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17 results found
Engineering and Technology Life Sciences Physical and Mathematical Sciences Student Life
Laura C. Bridgewater
Microbiology & Molecular Biology

Steve Smith
Counseling and Psychological Services
Kenneth Solen
Chemical Engineering
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Brad Bundy
Chemical Engineering
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Brad Bundy
Chemical Engineering
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Anton Bowden
Mechanical Engineering
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Jeff Barrow
Physiology and Developmental Biology
Brigham Young’s instruction to Karl G. Maeser was, 'Remember to not teach even the alphabet or the multiplication tables without the Spirit of God.' He did not say to always draw in gospel principles when teaching these secular topics....
I think there are two extremes you can go to here. We can easily get the one [extreme] where everything is just like any other university. It’s very rigorous: 'Here’s the facts, here’s how it works, learn it and that’s it....'
As we walk into class, it’s important we understand that the journey the students are on, and the core principles they’re learning, are more important than any set of details....
The way I try to integrate the gospel is that at the very beginning I let the students know that I really, sincerely care about them, and I try to break down the barriers. But the point is that I show them that I care about them....
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Tom Sederberg
Computer Science
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Tom Sederberg
Computer Science
Jennifer Nielson
Jeffery Barrow
Physiology and Developmental Biology
Scott Sommerfeldt
Physics and Astronomy
Larry St. Clair