My Journey as a Scholar of Faith Skip to main content
A Service of the BYU Faculty Center

My Journey as a Scholar of Faith

Russell Osguthorpe
Instructional Psychology and Technology

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Russ Osguthorpe, "Questions of the Heart: When Faith, Love, & Inquiry Meet," Feb. 2014

This "My Journey as a Scholar of Faith" lecture was given on February 20, 2014. Russ Osguthorpe is the former Sunday School General President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In 2013, he retired from BYU as Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology and as Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning. Dr. Osguthorpe has also served as Associate Director of the BYU Faculty Center, Associate Dean for the David O. McKay School of Education, and chair of his department. He has published widely on topics related to learning and teaching and done much to improve teaching and learning in the Church worldwide.